Award-Winning Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic specialises in working with and healing children. It is conducted in a private and comfortable setting.
As long as your child can focus, ie; watching a full length movie, then they are old enough to benefit from hypnotherapy. We are striving to help them to positively enhance their childhood so that they can enjoy their precious time as kids. It’s the fundamental stepping stone for living a life with peace and ease, to have humble confidence and smile.
The skills they learn and techniques they will adopt, will be an invaluable tool for their whole life. It is the greatest investment you may ever make for your child. The Hypnotherapist will liase with both the parent and child to obtain the best approach for the family, and to easily reach the outcome at hand.
Children mostly respond easily to hypnosis sessions. It is widely known that children have a playful nature and innately have the ability for imaginative play. Sometimes beleifs may spring from this play which can enhance the child, but sometimes may terrorise the child, depending on the childs environment and love shown towards them. They usually take suggestions easily and openly which makes hypnotherapy the best and safest option.
A child’s mind is full of creativity and their imagination is a reflection of this depth and ability. They are often in a very diffrent place in their mind, to where they actually are in reality. Fantasy can be a very real place for them. Their perception and meaning of words can differ greatly to how an adult would process the same words and often the adult has no idea how or why the child may be unbalanced.
At Shire Hypnotherapy our gentle organic techniques are wrapped around the individual childs age and experiences. We speak their language.