- Are you an emotional eater? – boredom, self nurturing, loneliness
- Do you habitually eat? – even when you are not hungry?
- Do you know your weaknesses in food types?
- Eating habits
- Socialising – Do you reward yourself with food? Are you excited to see someone so you can eat guilt free?
Award-Winning Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic specialises in working with individuals suffering from weight issues.
Usually people link in being on a “diet” with pain and failure. You may lose weight this way, but the known main failure is maintaining the weight loss so old habits don’t sneak back in and again lead you down the wrong path back to where you started!
Stress holds weight, they love each other, they are inseparable…. The more you fight against it the more your body will produce the stress hormone cortisol, and the more impossible to win the battle.
So how can hypnosis help you to lose weight?
However to get closer to winning the battle a person must listen to their body, learn how it responds and what foods work for you. Once this base is established your mind can be guided by your body’s signals and develop a new response pattern to old behaviour. Shire Hypnotherapy will help you to access this part of your mind, and make positive long lasting changes at that level.
Our goal for you is to empower you to let go of the kilos, release them. The term “weight loss” is incorrect, because when we lose something we are usually looking for it again, and we don’t want you to find the weight back on you, so “weight release” is the more apt terminology. Slow and steady wins the race. Your body will, reduce, as your mind control, increases. Not only is hypnotherapy enjoyable but the happiness you create yourself when you truly accept it is time for change and you allow yourself to let go…..
At Shire Hypnotherapy our gentle organic techniques are wrapped around the individual.

Hypnotherapy is a very healthy, safe and natural way to action our goals and bring the goal posts a lot closer, so to speak, so it is impossible to miss. In your first session we will look at your habits and lifestyle, we will listen to you to ascertain this relevant information;
Weight Loss FAQ’s
Some people may seek self control towards one particular food, and can achieve this in just 1 or 2 sessions. Other people with emotional attachments to food may take a number of sessions to evoke the long lasting change they seek.
Shire Hypnotherapy has a programme which is personally detailed and is carried out over a month period. The key is to build momentum so our mind flows into change easier and our body will naturally follow. Once we are on the right path, we can space the sessions apart more to maintain the weight release and control which you have developed.
If there is no physical reason why a person carries weight, often weight gain is caused by an emotional or stressful past event, which has not been processed by the mind adequately. We often cover our emotions with food, and weight gain is a by product of that process. The first few sessions may be used to overcome the emotional trigger for the weight gain. Once that is released, we can move forward freely into the programme.
From the first session you will experience change in some way. Its a very satisfying way to release weight and gain your inner power.
Will you? That’s a question only you can answer.
Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic will give you every opportunity to succeed by giving you the right tools. You will have clarity and become very focused if you are understanding that this process upon your desire to change and your willingness to be practical in the time between sessions. Hollie-Berri unfortunately doesn’t have a magic wand, but she has a a lot of acquired skill to impart on you for your success!
Commonsense and science tells us hat exercise helps to release weight.
In the past it may have been a burdoned thought relating to exercise, but armed with hypnotherapy and new empowerment you will most likely find exercising an ease. We will clear the negative barriers and old thought patterns from this essential part of a humans life so you effortlessly do it….you “just do it” and cut out the excuses until you develop and easy habit.
Yes you will most likely enjoy eating healthy food because you will feel so good! Once you experience the feelings and heightened energy levels you wont want to eat in your old ways because this would be detrimental not only to your health, but also your goals,… and your hip pocket!
Having processed and let go of “emotional baggage” in the early stages of the programme and having the feelings of your ideal lifestyle evolving, it is such a small percentage of people who do not wish for this wonderful new way of living to continue. If you really want to change, you will. It’s that simple.
Your positive mindset makes life easy for you to succeed!
Call Shire Hypnotherapy Today 0433 777 775
Email Shire Hypnotherapy CLICK HERE
Hollie-Berri McQueen adv dip CH, NLP, HCA, Clinical Hypnotherapist Psychotherapist,Shamanic Lightwork Healer, 800hr Yoga, Meditation and Life Coach Est 2010, with over 16,000 Clinical Hours of skill, fully insured and health rebate eligible. We operate globally, as well as in person in Clinic.