Childhood experiences which create a healthy self-esteem:
- Having loving stable role models
- Being praised and valued
- Being listened to
- Being respected
- Getting attention
- Experiencing success
- Having good and close friends
The way we feel and perceive ourselves is perhaps the greatest fundamental factor in how we get on in the world. Self-confidence is easy to learn using hypnotherapy with some practice and nurturing. It is linked to our past learning about ourselves and the world around us, and leads us to act how we do, to certain situations and circumstances in the here and now. Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic can’t change the events that occur around you, but we can help you to change the way that you respond to them. More importantly, by working together you may realise that old, out-dated feelings, can metamorphose into new ways of thinking and feeling about yourself.
A healthy self-esteem is a blessing and definitely achievable without developing an overblown ego. It is about being balanced and happy, content inside. Hypnotherapy will help reconnect you with your loving self.
Self-confidence is within all of us to some degree. It has been inadvertently taught and observed for as long as we have been alive. Our parents often are the creators of their children’s beliefs and responses to situations. Children experience by learning how to react to certain situations often by copying their role models. It forms their basic thinking patterns. Shire Hypnotherapy can’t change your circumstances, but we can help you to change your perception and gain control to the now. By identifying and releasing stale out grown ideals, you will change and grow. You will make way for new thinking patterns to take shape and form.
People with low self-esteem were often given messages that failed experiences were failures of their whole self.
Most people would agree that when we feel badly about ourselves, other people tend to treat us differently and with less respect.
Feeling happy and having a healthy self-esteem is achieved through self respect and acceptance. Allowing yourself to be who you are, loving and knowing yourself and being the best person you can be.
Hypnotherapy is key to enabling you to have humble confidence.