Award-Winning Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic specialises in working with those suffering from regression.
Regression techniques hinge on the scientific evidence that everything experienced by an individual is saved in the hard drive of the brain. Your mind is ever so powerful because of this memory and knowlwedge. It fundamentally shapes who you are and who you can become.
The mind has many depths of knowing and access. Each level has the ability to change and learn or re-learn. Of course we have our conscious mind, and our subconscious mind aka as our unconscious mind and our ultra-conscious mind.
We function in balance, when all 3 of these levels of mind are working together inline with the same goal. They function independantly, yet when positively combined, they become our powerhouse and unleash our highest potential.
Emotions are a very human way of being. We are constantly assessing how we feel about things, people, places, essentially our environment, which effects our physical self. We have positive and negative emotions, which of course, produce and in turn effect the chemical balance or imbalance within our bodies.
At Shire Hypnotherapy our gentle organic techniques are wrapped around the individual.

If negative emotional states are not altered and re-balanced quickly it can become such an entrenched way of thinking that it is difficult to break the cycle or even to understand just how it came about to be in the first place. By age 4 we have 80{4029014892a6e59d950432db74557368cafde73827426a59ee372cf2665bdc80} of our base character because we have accrued enough history and experienced most emotional states and formed a natural response to each of these emotions. It becomes our response for the rest of our lives whenever that certain feeling is evoked in a situation. It prompts us into the same thought process no matter how dtrimental that pathway may be. However it is possible to divert these learned responses through the use of hypnotherapy. Physically and mentally the person can develop new responses and logically and consciously identify when old ways may begin to sneak back in, they will have the knowledge to redirect that thought to the new way of being. Subconsciously this is occurring at a much deeper level too.
Once we discover the emotion attached to the detrimental response, it is then that we can devise a treatment plan. It will entail reliving the experience and objectively veiwing it whilst under hypnosis. With the knowledge and wisdom the patient now has, at this mature age and understanding, the emotion and experience can be seen in a positive light. The patient will take control and manage the emotions into a positive state of being with positive emotions attached.
The human mind is exactly like a computers hard drive. everything that is entered into the system is recorded, and filed away. It is in the received sequence. Our mind is exactly the same, therefore, just like a computer, we can erase information too.
Hypnotherapy facilitates our ability to relive, change and even delete experiences. We have the choice of reconstructing the event in a positive way if we know it will serve us well. We have the power to change, we just have to make the decision to do so.
Past Life Regression
The mind may sometimes experience the feeling of having familiarity with a particular person, or place, even when they explicitly know that they have never been in contact in this lifetime. Reincarnation is powerful, it exists in our mind regardless of the personal belief of reincarnation. Deja vu, a natural phenomenon which gives us the feeling of something having happened before, of being in that place at that moment of event, is a sensation like no other. Its unexplainable, or is it? Recently, researchers have begun using imaging technology to determine and understand more of how our minds, work via the deja vu phenomenon.
From our spiritual creation to our here and now reality our past lifetimes are intertwined with rich experiences of emotions and reactions. Hypnotherapy is the key to opening the past to help the patient to heal into the future and undrstand more of who they are, why they think such ways and to connect wholly with their unique being. This understanding and connection has the immense abuility to cure illnesses and heal the body quickly and bring closure to many mental reoccurrances.
Hypnotherapy is the only solution for the truth and the power of our authentic hearts and minds. Our souls are rich with life lessons and it opens providing answers to questions we have of our reality today.
Call Shire Hypnotherapy Today 0433 777 775
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Hollie-Berri McQueen adv dip CH, NLP, HCA, Clinical Hypnotherapist Psychotherapist,Shamanic Lightwork Healer, 800hr Yoga, Meditation and Life Coach Est 2010, with over 16,000 Clinical Hours of skill, fully insured and health rebate eligible. We operate globally, as well as in person in Clinic.