- Improved concentration and attention to details
- Improved organizational skills>
- Increased self-confidence
- Improved behaviour
- New friends
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Dyslexia
Quite often a child who has a decreased attention span when listening or is disruptive in the classroom, is given the label of having ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD-Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. Parents often feel they have no other choice, but to have the child placed on medication. Hypnosis has been found to be very beneficial for ADD/ADHD.
Children with ADD often bounce from task to task without completing any of them, or skipping necessary steps in procedures. They often have difficulty learning new material. Organising their schoolwork and time management is harder for them than it is for most children.
Youngsters with hyperactive or impulsive symptoms of ADHD seem to be always in motion. Sitting still can be very difficult for them. They may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next.
Hypnosis has been very successful in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. Unlike the side effects of medications that are used for ADD/ADHD, there are no adverse side effects with hypnosis. Children and teens, as well as adults, are able to experience the relaxed state of hypnosis. All of the “chatter” that normally is going on in the conscious mind, quiets down.
Many people during school with Dsylexia were often ignored and thought of as stupid. Thankfully the school system is finally identifying and acknowledging, and no longer calling Dsylexia a learning disability. It’s simply a way people learn and process the world. Many people who are dyslexic are very intelligent and creative people. It is the perfect solution for children to learn to cope now whilst they are young and accept that Dyslexia is easy to live with once they learn the right methods. The earlier the better to enhance greater knowledge and skills.
Dyslexia cannot be changed, but hypnotherapy can work with you to feel more confident about who you are, and the easiest way for you to learn.
Hollie-Berri at Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic, can help you to develop and use your own unique skills associated with Dyslexia to enhance your personal and professional life. We will help you to build a stronger and more confident self, releasing any past hurt, fear and embarrassment and embracing and accepting who you are.
Sessions with Hollie-Berri can also help you to develop your confidence, enhance your skills which are unique to being Dsylexic, process and release any hurt from childhood experiences at school or at work, embrace who you are, help with organisation and time keeping skills, and help for short term memory problems.