Award-Winning Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic specialises in working with those suffering from grief.
When grief and loss come into your life it can feel overwhelming. Whether you have been bereaved of a loved one, or have had to leave the home you love, or have been through some other major change, dealing with your feelings alongside dealing with the demands of your changed circumstances can take an enormous toll.
Sometimes people try to deal with such challenges by focusing exclusively on the practical things they have to do, and it is certainly good to do this up to a point. But at some stage the emotional fall out must be addressed, and this is where hypnosis can be of great help.
Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic can help you in situations of grief and loss. We will give you the tools for processing difficult emotions and looking after yourself at the deepest level. We know how important it is to calm down the emotional arousal of such times, and to literally have a ‘strategy’ for handling the different challenges that you face. These sessions will help you come through bereavement, loss and all the associated feelings to get back to living your life.