There are many benefits;
- Overcoming fertility issues
- No morning sickness
- Reduced weight gain
- Reduced stretch marks>
- Reduced anxiety
- Reduced pain – In some women it blocks all birthing pain.
- Shorter labour
Over the past two decades, there has been a significant rise in the number of people who have problems conceiving. It is not uncommon to take two or three years to conceive a first child. And for those who seek medical help, 30{4029014892a6e59d950432db74557368cafde73827426a59ee372cf2665bdc80} are told they have “unexplained infertility’ – infertility for which medical science can offer no explanation.
When trying to have a baby, the chances of conceiving in any given month is 20{4029014892a6e59d950432db74557368cafde73827426a59ee372cf2665bdc80}. For woman over 40, the odds reduce to 5{4029014892a6e59d950432db74557368cafde73827426a59ee372cf2665bdc80}. In recent years the average age of women having their first baby has increased to age 30, For men the age of becoming a parent has increased to 33. They are so often faced by a constant barrage from the media and well meant friends and colleagues about their age and “ticking of the biological clock” -creating a pre-occupation with falling pregnant and increasing levels of stress and anxiety when the test comes back negative. The relationship between stress and infertility is still not very well understood.
There is little doubt that infertility causes stress and now there appears to be a growing body of evidence to suggest that stress may cause infertility. When stress-reduction techniques are used, something happens to women that allows them to get pregnant, when they have been unable to do so in the past. Where does hypnotherapy fit in? Our minds have a powerful effect over our bodies. When stress is lifted, the body starts to function as it is meant to.
Hypnotherapy can release your fears and the stress of infertility by: Clearing the subconscious blocks to conception such as fear of childbirth or parenting.
A reduction in stress is known to enhance the immune system, restore balance to your hormonal system thus creating a healthier body which is needed to accept and nurture a pregnancy.
Hypnotherapy offers invaluable support to women undergoing IVF or other medical intervention because studies show hypnosis doubles the success rate of IVF. For the majority of couples it has been a long and hard journey to this point and multiple IVF treatment cycles may be necessary before a successful pregnancy. Learning to manage stress is an important step towards realising this goal.
Hypnotherapy is a safe organic modality and complements any medical procedure. By reducing stress and increasing confidence, it instils a sense of control in the client with impressive results.
Hypno Birth Power
Expectant Motherhood is a massive life change for the woman. There are always uncertainties, anxieties and a range of emotions experienced. Many women have now turned to hypno-birthing as a natural means to help them through the course of their pregnancy.
If you are a “Mum-to-be,” wouldn’t you like to change that painful horror movie you might have in your head about birthing your child and create a more peaceful, harmonious, natural, and safe picture? And then actually have that experience? You and your birth partner can learn together how to create a more gentle childbirth experience through the use of hypnosis, relaxation exercises, breathing techniques, imagery, and being instructed about the body’s natural state of birthing.
Hypno-birthing is a series of hypnosis sessions that deals with the many aspects of pregnancy. It may start at pre -conception when a woman wants to be able to conceive and finish post birth. Hypno-birthing helps the expectant mother along in helping to deal with the many aspects of pregnancy. Hypno-birthing helps the mother prepare herself and gain confidence that she is capable to pull from her own resources and experience her pregnancy in a rewarding and stress free manner.
Hypno-birthing also helps the expectant mother learn to work with her body as opposed to fight against it. It also helps the mother understand the changes in her body and feel comfortable with every step along the way.
It also helps reduce the chance of being susceptible to Post Natal Depression.