Different phobias include:
- Heights
- Public speaking
- Spiders / snakes
- Medical needles
- Animals
- Flying
- Large crowds>
- Dentists>
- Claustrophobic>
- Folding paper
- Sand
and many other things, some of which you might not expect, such as:
Phobia’s are more common than you may think. Many patients come to Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic to alleviate these mental responses to certain situations. Identifying the triggers which have been formed over time to build and manifest the phobia is key to the solution. Phobia’s can be changed and vanish with the use of Hypnotherapy, no matter what your phobia is, we can help you. Phobia’s are not a mental disorder.
It is natural and fundamentally human to acknowledge fear in response to certain situations. For instance, if you were surfing and you saw a fin in the water, you would most likely assume it was a shark and trigger a real fear of being eaten. Healthy fear levels can keep us safe and observant of our ever changing environments. Babies dont have fears, they are vulnerable to the world without the ability to defend themselves though we acquire them as we experience life. Intuition also known as our “gut feeling” is our natural beacon for possible danger ahead.
A phobic response is a dramatic, mostly irrational fear when placed in a certain environment. People with a phobia have the ability to provoke a reaction even when the trigger is not present. A phobia is a learned reaction to a certain environmental experience.
Phobia key indicators range from feeling levels of anxiety, coldness, perspiring, shaking, nauseas and sometimes even, vomiting or even passing out. When you cannot live your life unrestricted and when you become dictated by this fear then it is classed as a phobia. A phobic reaction can happen when the same feeling is created even though the regular triggers are not present. It is an irrational response.
and many other things, some of which you might not expect, such as:
Because phobias are learned in our lives we also have the ability to let them go. Certain patients may only require 1 session, others may need a few more.
Hypnotherapy will not debilitate your necessary natural response to possible immediate dangers. With the right tools you will naturally learn how to differentiate between an authentic fear and an irrational self created fear.
Phobias can be divided into three categories:
Social Phobias
Social phobias are generally fears to do with our acceptance, rejection and performance with or around other people. The fear of being judged and ridiculed, rejected and “not being good enough” can be some of the causes related to a sufferer in social situations.
Prior to the event and during these moments you may be worried about what others are thinking about you, how you look, your clothes, etc. Its as if the sufferer thinks others can read their mind and can reveal their fear and ultimately their low self esteem.
The symptoms of social phobia can vary greatly between sufferers, dry mouth, weak stuttering, lack of eye contact, poor posture, blushing, sweating, diarrhoea, the shakes, and feelings of sheer panic.
Social phobia can be very debilitating stunting growth in employment, education, or even finding a partner.
In extreme cases sufferers use avoidance techniques to control their anxiety which over time can develop into agoraphobia and or depression.
Shire Hypnotherapy Clinic will help you to act and react differently in these uncomfortable situations freeing your life to grow and shape how it naturally should be.
Agoraphobia is a generalised fear of leaving a familiar place or area which is deemed safe, such as your home. To do so may be followed by an onset of panic attacks which the sufferer of agoraphobia will avoid at any cost. Often sufferers are not actually afraid of open spaces, but more so the variables found in these places such as people, animals, and most likely a heightened feeling of danger.
Agoraphobia can be successfully treated using hypnotherapy.
Specific Phobias
Specific phobias are those generally related to a single trigger such as a fear of flying, dogs, heights, spiders etc. Many specific phobias can be pinpointed to an actual event usually occurring at an early age which the patient has developed a subconscious response pattern for. Also phobias can be learned from adopting a parents fear and carrying it over to our own lives.